Piercing Blog
Interested? TRIPLE HELIX PIERCING Check It Out!

Everything you need to know from start to end about the helix piercing is here and anything else if you need to know, Please feel free to email any question or any help you need, We are here to help you anyway we can. Enjoy your piercings.

You can see online about aftercare one says do the salt soak and one says do not do it and every website you will see something different and it is really confusing about the aftercare What you do? What you use? I try to make it simple for years and it worked for me for over 22 years.
Navel Piercing TEST, Check Yours?

Here you can check your navel piercing if the Piercer did a great job, or the Piercer pieced it shallow or deep? See for yourself and remember you do not have to do the re piercing because now you can buy any size jewelry to fit you. Good Luck.
Nipple Piercing BENEFITS, Placements and PROVEN AFTERCARE.

Nipple Piercings are really famous in the nowadays in Between Males and Females both. Here are the information about the Benefits, Placement and the Proven Aftercare of the Nipple Piercings.
Interested? TRAGUS PIERCING Check It Out!

Everything you need to know from start to end about the tragus piercing is here and anything else if you need to know, Please feel free to email any question or any help you need, We are here to help you anyway we can. Enjoy your piercings.