Piercing Blog
Sterilized Unique Conch Piercing Jewelry.

All conch jewelry is 14g and surgical steel and it comes sterilized. If any question please feel free to email us.
What Color Gloves Did Your Piercer Use? SHOCKING RESULTS!

This video is only to let you know the danger o f getting a piercing with non sterile stuff so please watch it and learn and be careful next time when you are in the piercing shop.
DIY TRAGUS Piercing, Tips, Procedure & AFTERCARE.

Do not try it home and this video only show how the professional do the piercing, If you need a piercing please go to the Professional Piercer and get it done.
Is Your Septum Pierced Right? CHECK IT?

You can check your septum piercing and see for yourself if your septum piercing is right or wrong. You can learn a lot more for septum piercing.

All of the jewelry is available at our site here but if you see something and can not find it please let me know by sending an email. All the jewelry we sterilize before shipping so you will get it 100% Germs free.