DIY PA Piercing Instructions ONLY.

DIY PA Piercing Instructions ONLY.

Regular price 31 kr

DIY PA Piercing instructions ONLY.

I did the piercing in the last 20 plus years. You can see my licenses in the above picture, I was one of the first few Piercing License Holder in Louisiana.

This listing for the Digital Download of the Prince Albert DIY Instructions only.

You will download 20 pages of illustrated instructions of DIY PA Piercing.

It includes All the tools you need for the Piercing with the detail information.

It includes How to set up Sterile field for the Piercing.

It includes step by step illustrated instructions how to DIY PA Piercing. 

It includes the proven aftercare for the DIY PA Piercing.

By buying this kit you assure that you are over 18 years of age and take full responsibility of your own action and will not hold me responsible for anything. If you like the piercing done then go to the professional and get it done.

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