TWO BALLS KNOCKING EACH OTHERS 10mm BALLS Surgical Steel 14, 12 & 10g 5/8" PA HS
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XTC jewelry is very proud of our creative designs made by hands after order.
Sterilized Surgical Steel 14g, 12g & 10g 5/8" with 2X10mm Balls PA Horseshoes.
When balls are Touching each others, you can hear the noise of surgical steel.
The ring is 14g which hold the 10mm very tight so it will not comes out tools.
ONE Sterilized Pieces of Body Jewelry in Sterilization Pouch, 100% Germs Free.
WE ship in the padded mailer so you will get it safely and it will be germs free.
Ship same day in few hours which take the jewelry to be sterilized in Autoclave.
This is externally threaded Barbell.